Image by JR Korpa via Unsplash
Heartbreak is felt in every community. We are still suffering the pain of unjust actions and traumas done to us and our communities and ancestors. This will never go away, but we can take our power back by choosing a path, of which there are many, in making small ripples of change in the status quo. It can be overwhelming to know where to turn and which path to choose. It is a privilege to be able to choose the groups with which we engage and disengage, which is understandably something we’d want to do given the buildup of pressure to create “sticky” social media posts in response to an ongoing crisis/movement like #BlackLivesMatter and the weight of its mission to build local power and intervene when our Black communities suffer violence and oppression. I personally hope that this movement continues to gain momentum, and to spread its message outward to creating empowering opportunities and safety and inclusiveness for ALL people. It is all of our duty to realize that we belong to each other and we need to rise together in awareness to make those ripples of change turn to waves of progress after years of stagnant ignorance.
As many of you have done, I’ve been doing much listening lately, particularly to Black and minority voices, realizing that my platform and social media accounts are not meant for sharing my stories, opinions or desires. However, I also accept that disengaging is not an effective way to make ripples of change is lessening systemic oppression and assumptions of power and ownership.
What I feel is important now, more than ever, is to give resources, love, and attention to those warriors on the ground who are doing this work. My mantra for the longest time has been “how can I show up and serve?”, and in repeating this in my meditations, I understand that activism doesn’t happen without committing to something besides private acts of service.
So, to keep myself and my tribe accountable and continue with the momentum of the #BLM movement and larger conversation surrounding power, class, economics and ultimately, love; I offer a couple small but manageable and concrete ways that I’ve committed to on my path to making a dent in the unjust status quo because we belong to each other and need to act in unity:
Amplify and donate to grassroots organizations like HandsUpUnited, which teaches youth to use coding as a means to combat the complicated issues plaguing their communities, provides meals and clothing to families experiencing hardship, and hosts men and women’s circles to cope and heal from trauma.
Fight white supremacy with your money by boycotting businesses that discriminate against people of color, both in how they treat their employees/customers of color and the products they choose to carry. Every dollar is valuable in our current pandemic economy, so I was proud to participate in #BlackoutDay2020 on July 7th by not spending a dollar. I think it’s important to commit to this on a regular basis. We are more capable of self-sustainability than we give ourselves credit for.
Would love to hear the path you’re choosing to make your ripple in systemic change. If you’re unsure of where to begin, look up some Black authors and podcast producers for inspiration. I personally like Akiba Solomon, Code Switch, and Momentum.
I am committed to creating unity and empowerment, starting on the individual level working inwards. This is why I created Spanda Society - a space to collectively and independently participate, through movement, meditation, dialogue, and self study, in the creative and restful states that free us from ego and from limiting beliefs.
I hope to one day offer virtual gatherings, retreats and talks, as well as instructional guides and videos that celebrate the wisdom teachings through the lens of yoga. For now, feel free to check out some practice guides and please get in touch if you’re interested in collaborating.